Competitive Edge
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Stand out from the crowd?
Your group portfolio consists of several brands and sub-brands. Although the core brands are well positioned in the market, the positioning of the sub-brands is partly unclear and partly eating more and more shares of the core brands. Your intra-group competition lowers your contribution margin.
How can the group portfolio be aligned for maximum success?
What are the key criteria for managing a portfolio?
Where is the tipping point between profitable market penetration and internal substitution?
Brand Repositioning
You are the owner of one of the oldest automotive brands. Highly regarded, but without financial or volume success over decades. A turnaround it all respects is needed to survive. Customer structure is one of the oldest in the industry, your products have no technological edge and high cost per unit are only some of the “red flags”.
What would a target scenario for the brand look like?
What would the financial feasibility look like?
How can the brand turnaround be planned and implemented?
You are a manufacturer of high-class products in a very profitable niche. Your products are valued for specific characteristics that might not be as relevant in the future as they currently are. Given that the brand and the evolution of the product fit the markets needs, the strategic decision for the price that customers are willing to pay is crucial.
What is your price position with your current portfolio?
Are you price leader?
Is your intention to conquer with the new product?
What is the long-term target for the price position?
Can a handbag, a bike and a watch be in the customer's competitive basket? If so, how does that effect the positioning of your product?
Constantly increasing opportunities for customers to spend their available funds demand for a precise and clear position for your product - especially in high-end segments.
Part of that is extending the scope of your competitors when defining your target markets & customers and clearly understanding the value proposition of your offering .
(Extended) Competitive environment
Analysis of extended market
Definition of "willingness to pay"
Predispose positioning of your product
Conquest & Loyalty
You know it: in your business, conquest is more expensive than keeping customers loyal.
Still, from product strategic decisions to operational customer programs things often go wrong. Or decisions in that area are not based on the knowledge mentioned above.
Thinking twice can make a huge – monetary – difference in this field.
What are the “success rules” of conquest & loyalty in your business? How can it be applied – regardless of whether it is a strategic or more operational challenge?
market entry
Your start-up wants to enter the (hardware) mobility market with a luxury product, priced well above the market average.
The company has neither a legacy nor a known brand. Funds for marketing are tight, as are the options for the sales and service network.
What would the launch strategy for the brand look like?
How could the planned high price position be successfully achieved?
What are sales/service strategies?
Growth Strategy
You are a young player in the automotive top league and want to expand your portfolio, which currently consists of one product only.
The extension would be the pinnacle of what is technologically feasible. Reality shows that the existing product is struggling in the market, a potential “exaggeration” could harm the existence of the company.
What are your strategic options?
What is the basis – the data – for these options?
What are your alternative scenarios?
Your company wants to expand into new segments. The financial premises are defined and accepted but there is no consent regarding the execution.
There are two major routes possible, and both have equally strong supporters.
Competition already covers both areas, so that doesn't help the decision finding.
What are the right decision parameters?
What are the basics of product strategic decisions?
How can the story be told to convince the board?

Confident to win?
The Assets
In this role, I am free to choose the challenges I know I can deliver impact for.
If I take ownership for a task, I will do it independently of any thoughts on overheads or politically correctness to secure follow-up projects, but with a clear focus on delivering results that create a sustainable impact.
No copy-paste, but tailor-made solutions and answers, based on my experience and my "assets"
Positioning of a new product in a top-end market.
Strategic concept brand & product for a hypercar.
Outside-in luxury car market and strategic positioning scenarios.
Market-entry strategy Battery Electric Vehicle.
Price strategy BEV.
Brand repositioning strategy.
Marketing (& Sales), UAE and China
Innovation Strategy
Brand Strategy
Brand Portfolio Strategy
Product Strategy
Long-term (volume) planning
Market Research